tbe2 ada mcj msuk
sah..mmg x slh lg..
yoya a.k.a fateha razali rpenye
klu korang nk knl.. KLIK nie
igt jgk kt ak ye
ble bce je mcj dia
rse sdih + terharu + gmbira + rndu
klu nk thu pe dia
jom..kte tgk sme2 ye..tp harap maklum, sume yg ditulis sbntr nnti hnye la tuk sy je
Friend. I found my heart is beautiful when u are at my side. Good friend are forever, once in a dream, just like beautiful flowers in blooming paradise. don't forget our friendship when u are successful of our friendship will gone be with the wind. But for me, when u be my friend, i will never forget u.
p/s: yoya, syg ko lbh
baru perasannnnnn.
terharu lebih.
ily, much!
orait,,no hal la